dental blues
it's over and done, The Big Dental Job I was worried about for the last few years and postponed it and postponed it... well, it was a smaller trauma and cheaper than feared long live the lovely Dr Radnai of Pécs! Though I still feel like if something bashed me in the mouth with all those injections and hammering but I am enormously relieved that it is over, and the other silver lining is, that as for the last 4 days I'm eating healthy and liquidised food, I lost 2kgs already!
I discovered new wonders, I put all the left over kiwis from xmas with some bananas in that until now underused kitchen utensil, and I got something much nicer than a milk shake without any other ingredients. I have to stop eating icecream, my throat hurts...
It's snowing again, less than 5cm, but winter lost it charm now, seems too long, even though I remember those record warm days in December... I know it's all weather and food again - but unless you want to know the list of our reading matter and the TV and DVD and radio programs we consumed I can't think anything else to add.
Anna's big pigs and some future ones, strictly in the big pen only, might continue as a feature, against our resolve - but we lost some bargaining power, as we'll need her help when we'll be away in February (yes we've done the on-line check-in; all those people who haven't yet forgot us - we'll be in Milnrow 11th - 18th of February). But the freezer I mentioned previously is filling up with lovely lean pork steaks and hurka.
the promised pictures are the new green house in front of the wine press room, and the top of the (full) rain water collector tank.
if Alan adds more of his findings (we've been to the bar Coffein) on one of the dental days) I will add it to this blog. But they'll be eventually on the web site, too.
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