turned cold brrr

lucky I picked some lettuce yesterday - they had shapely frozen leaves this morning, geese could eat some lollipops. Weirdly, later when the sun warmed them they seemed perfectly all right.
On Wednesday we went to see the Somos concert at the usual venue in Pecs, they were good - and happily open to other stuff than their Csango music, most good world music players are like that. In the middle of the concert they shown some indian drumming they learned and produced a very authentic looking dancer who did some danderous stunts.
Before the concert we had a nice if pricey meal in Murphy's and I listened to an astronomy lecture. (not a lot of new stuff, yet, it was still interesting, the hour went very fast) Also tried a newly opened thing that called itself "cukraszda" but they had no cakes except a few sad strudels. Dodi gave us a lift home.
This morning Alan went with Zoltan to see a little tractor for sale,
so that he could get expert opinion, but the seller chap wasn't in, so they went for a walk and found a load of these large mushrooms. Luckily Zoltan good at these things and pronounced them safe - so we had a large portion of them deep fried tonight.
Off to Budapest again tomorrow. Have I mentioned, that when last week I asked Alan to do a bit of vacuuming, he re-arranged the house, but did a bit of clearing/cleaning out, looks good. We put down the carpet I found on Pecs market ages ago - it is really good quality thick thing, looks good.
we didn't manage to give away much of the pumpkins, we might have a bit of Bonfire Night next friday and roast a lot. I should try parkins...
Also I forgot to mention, that there will be a referendum in the village about the speeding large machinary of the agro coop that shake our mud-brick houses to bits, and about the would be drainage system. We received our first campaign leaflet today a bilingual one from Sigi, one of the German settlers. He wants voting against the speedies and also against the drainage - he has a point, there wasn't enough information. Also he mentioned some plans about an old people's home, he is against it - I haven't heard a thing about it.
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