musical wwoofers
... and aren't they all? We had hardly any wwoofers who
resisted grabbing Alan's guitar and then proceeded playing something impressive...
We had a violinist, banjoist, drummer... and now a brill trombonist, Oliver, jamming
with Domentx, who luckily stayed a few days longer making the jamming possible...
The cold front failed to arrive, so the workers, when not making music, are
pulling out by hand all the nasty ragweed remaining. Of course, once out, the goats suddenly feel a new-found urge to munch them from the barrel where it was collected for safe disposal. But all the hay was collected, too, we have more of the stuff than ever.
Two lots of not single-night hostel-guests failed to materialise, but we got a couple of new bookings... I wonder where all these lost had got to, I hope,
safe and well, even if they made me stay up waiting for them. A phonecall or an e-maild would be nice, even polite...
thank you for sharing about your wait for the WWoofers. I'm the agent for WWoofing in Canberra Australia. I look forward to going WWOOfing with more musicians. It's a great way to start and finish the day...
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