birthday and farewell to Lois
Yes, I am older still, never mind. Me sis and Janos and Juci
paid a surprise b-day visit, I was really chuffed. Sorry, I look
really bad on all the pictures, so no show. We had nice lunch,
stroll around, shop, and watched the free Kalaka-Sebo-Szelkialto
concert in front of the Dom in Pecs. On Sunday, Jutka's were off
as soon as properly awake - they cannot ever stay for a full 24 hours...
Anyways, the food for the little soire turned out ok, I had to make something interesting for Hungarians, as english students Dodi, Timi and their lovely Cassandra came over
(menu: prawn salad made more with crabsticks, but really minishrimps, the only such stuff available here, overpriced, never mind, then a curry, which was tricky, as I forgot to get the curry paste from the English deli (yes, there is such a remarkable establishment in Pecs) but Alan found some coriander in the depth of some weed, and somehow it did turn out like a mild but nice curry, even the colour was right, and than we had rhubarb crumble with custard). The evening was not that hot, we could sit outside, but then the football final started, it was a good match, and the better ones won, which is satisfying.
and now ( mondey evening) is lois's last, she's off tomorrow and we are sad, I think we all had a good time, even with the sneezes, itches and train-troubles...
we'll miss her. Meanwhile our bicycling wwoofers seem to have lost, started 2 hours ago from Pecs and not here yet...
pictures show Lois with cat and new garden furniture, a little girl eating langos at the Kalaka concert, the catedral square where we sat. And the baby storks in Kiskassa.
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