
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

pre hols busy busy

yes, we are off to Croatia with Lois the day after tomorrow!
So Alan is weeding and haymaking furiously, even I did a bit of sweet-corn hoing
this morning. We had lots of rain and hot weather, so things are growing like mad.
We had hoards of nice hostel-guests; the smoking room had it its first occupants, a lovely couple from Holland, John and Ester, and they loved it! They re-arranged the room and managed to fit the beds in the "alcove" where they were meant to be. Got the more mange-tout, kohlrabi, peas, marrows frozen and eaten, days pass in a haze of speed...
I got the picture of the storks building their nest from the person who does the photos for the village monthly news-letter, from early May, when the pair just started the construction - and now,
there are three little ones, not visible...


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