we did go and get Pete at al and had a nice day as per usual in Budapest, having another go on the - now free for us oldies - water bus. Hippo is having new injectors, very expensively even if could be much more. We decided to enjoy winter at home again... which is Kiskassa, Europe, the Universe ('cause someone just asked where is our "home"... and this made me think...) to be short I just copy here a message I sent elsewhere this morning, plus photos of our poster sticking for the two dogs party - nothing much else happening opposition-wise around here... the festival as above, brill brass band of Pécs uni, and a high class world music act Boja, and lots of food made from things with wings... unfortunately we were allowed to taste only one of the 15 bogrács cooked by the cheerful locals. Tomorrow it is free concert in Pécs - Ripof Raskolnikov.
demagogues are defined by building their lies and immoralities on a grain of truth: the situation -is- sad.
Though statistically still not more significant than other mass-shooting due to deranged people in general, there -is- something missing from the claimed appeal of "western a(e/in)ffluence".
Poor socialisation+poor education+stress(from being blamed for not being enough rich/beautiful/positive/enterpreneurial/clever/etc/etc) omnipresence of senseless violence in entertainment/media
omnipresence of unequality/poverty/mysery...
it is the time of easy solutions. it is the time of fascism filling the vacuum - the absence of even the search for democratic/human trusting alternatives. As per usual.
on a positive note: our anti-gov posters stayed on now for two days! I think they came off last time from the prime spot in the village due to bad stickmanship.
you are all busily quiet - and I have free pre-breakfast time, as the fig/raspberry picking is delayed this morning due to wet vegetation.

to cheer you up, last saturdays village festival nearby had this rather too classy/good for the occasion.
the singer is our "passivist" two tail dog anti-party organiser.
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