april fool
I really have to solve this re-sizing problem - the nice new mobile - which I am growing to like I'm afraid - like the old one, doesn't show the "resize" option with all the other trivial first choices, such as "rename", but now it makes 2-4Mb very big pictures, slow to manoeuvre when blogging etc (though there is no limit anymore on blog pic sizes - you can even put on videos these days. How do I change photos lower resolution, the simplest way? Why is it made more complicated?? They just want us send more bytes, cause that's where the money is? But I use wifi... was beautiful balmy yesterday. Horrid dark, cold-inside day, but by the time I started a fire in the stove, the sun came out. I have a quick trip tomorrow to Budapest (got my 90% discount until 29th june , when all will be free) Eszter's younger daughter Marta has a diploma concert, she is a cellist and a concert-organiser, so it will be a concert organised for her chamber orchestra she of course will play with. In Obuda in a nice new community amphiteatrum shaped open-air venue. I have to work out how to get there - allegedly there is a tram that go all the way from Kelenfold to Obuda. Will be back here Sunday evening, and stay until Wednesday, when both of us going back to Bp, staying with Jutka, Szonya and Drew staying with Marta. Thursday eve we'll go to Spinoza to see a Leonard Cohen thing. The hole in the garden is more or less filled, Dodi helped, then we visited them (they moved back to Pecsdevecser) where daddy shot arrows and was very pleased with himself. Now he is welding a cultivator bit, and again is pleased with himself. Fasting day today - had cakes yesterday. And well-turned out lamb stew. Fotos show Siklos resti inside (still very good) the sheep at Dodi's keep, they have a lovely spot, the arrow shooting and views at Dodi's, and Alan in his welding happiness. we got nice flowers, and the grass is too long - again. Trees are flowering.

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