How fast it has

all gone! The xmas days in "sweet double" (Édes kettesben) went very pleasantly, with all the foody stuff turning out well, even if the lobster proved more of a challenge. New year's eve was rather quiet in the village, which Alan took to with disbelief, insisting checking it out after midnight - but even the cafe closed early, everyone spending time with the family, like 25th in the UK, or 24th in Hungary. The weather was wonderful, we had a few more adventurous walks, such as the one in Charakopia, where we dropped lucky to find a nice place to eat fantastic food, we'll return next Friday, when they have traditional music in the evening.
Szonya and Drew arrived in the 1st January to share Alan's birthday, and the weather turned a bit atrocious, with the coldest, wettest day so far, but it got better quickly, and remarkably, with sunny day yesterday, with 18C+ and Szonya managed a short swim, and then came the roasting lamb on a spit on the beach - do I have to say more?
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