heat cont.
yes, we have to borrow grass for the goats, we had never had it so yellow. A brief shower last night, a first for many weeks - did nothing, as the much above normal temperatures scorched a lot of the stuff. However yesterday I harvested pre-breakfast a couple of kilos of pickling cucumbers, 4/5 very handsome salad cucumbers, a kilo tomatoes and two tiny (but ours) paprikas, and there is a very good looking marrow crop, and we did well with green beans. Alan says the kidney-beans on top look good - I don't venture up there above 35C... You'll be pleased to know that smallest new goat previously known as Curry, was sold to a good home where she'll be spoiled rotten. Which reminds me, we had visitors, little Hani stayed with her granny who happens to be my sister, for 3 days, very eventful. I was taken to the Siklós baths twice, absolutely wonderful, especially the outside olympic sized swimming pool which seems to be overlooked by the rest of the rather numerous spa guests. Maybe they are frightened by the depth - probably about 2meters at the most in one end. Just perfect - not cold, but cool, smoothing, I could stay there all day. Little Hani is a little fish-girl, she was difficult to entice out of all the inside pools which are fun, fun, fun. And they manage to keep the whole glassed pool paradise well ventilated. The restaurant is a bit chilly, but full of ice creams and pancakes and very decent daily set meal, so who cares. Alan seem to have acclimatised to the heat and doing mad hay and straw collecting forays with Nina, who is an unstoppable lovely worker, helping so much. We all went down to the szalonnasütés that followed the first village table tennis championships. This is a hungarian style bbq, with thick slice of bacon on a stick with onion, potato, tomato, paprika, onion. The sophisticated version is the same ingredients wrapped in baking foil and put into the ambers. I am not fond of fatty bacon, but this was yummy. The ping-pong championship went well, with good humor and some surprisingly good quality games. The winner was the mayor's husband. I think I could beat him, he has a very strange, convoluted backhand... photos show Nina, little Hani dancing with her bbq stick, which she did for hours very happily, and me, as I quite like this shot Jutka made of me and the cooking goodies.
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