cultural dawn
well, the meeting went well, Gazsi promised to lead a healthier less-beer life, the public workers and tools were sorted... and we have quite a marvellous village program to look forward to; starting with a cinema experience on Saturday evening, (aperitif to the ever comic Eurovision songcontest night) using the new village acquired projector, there'll be pop-corn and fizzy drinks to complete the experience... We'll have our Festival of Light again in August with a painting exhibition, several dances, a reading - competition for the summer holidays with serious prizes for the most diligent library users, a table-tennis competition on the 7th of July if I remember correctly... Alas, it seems, that our blues festival won't happen this year, our Finnish volunteer organiser seems to be too busy with all those events in Turku... The new wwoofers arrived and did good work, at this moment they are out collecting elderberry flowers for this year's syrup - and champaign experiment... Leesa made yesterday deep fried onion-flower - interesting. My morning trips to Siklós for the massage and physio are continuing, I haven't noticed any benefit as such, but everyone assures me that I am a fool if I give up mid-treatment... The drive itself is beautiful and Alan doesn't mind sitting outside of the cukrászda waiting for me. We are looking for good homes for this years' new not-so-little goats - remember Attila? It would be nice if we find them people who'd be more interested in producing milk than gulyás... Photos show the front yard with flowers, the comfy corner bereft of guests (we had a late booking couple of girls all the way from Korea! for a couple of days) and the new sheep - I forgot to mention, we have a very Hungarian racka curved horn sheep, in summer suit, looking rather bare next to our much more woolly Moxie, even though Alan already had a go at shortening all that fleece.
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