red sludge and other stuff
For all those concerned, a late note:we are far from that sorry place. The more you get to know about the details, the more upsetting it is. There was no agency responsible for the safety checks on that sludge reservoir, which would have been dangerous enough even if it was just holding water. Human stupidity and callousness seem to be just so depressingly limitless. Anyways, you must have heard enough of this - think of those lucky Chilean miners...
We had a meeting - the new council reps (minus one who failed to turn up without apologies for this first informal meeting) - and Zoltán the new mayor who seems quite ok, so far... Thursday will be the official founding of "For the Future of Kiskassa" public benefit foundation, of which I will be a curator member...
anyways, we were busy before leaving for Budapest for 5 days; I was scheduled to look after my mum as my sis went for a spa-break, and also we managed to have a date to get a minor op done on Alan's neck. It turned out, that this op will be not quite as minor as promised - it will require at least 24hr in hospital and a longer healing period, so it is re-scheduled for after our return from Florida in January. Another check was done on this trouble spot,and it is still as innocent if bigger and more annoying, as it was 7 years ago.
still, we had a nice goatless time, Alan had chance to see some music events and to roam the city talking to unsuspecting visitors all over the place, getting annoyed when they did not bother sufficiently immerse in Hungarian culture...I had nice time if sometimes a bit frustrating with my mum, and the old crowd of girls managed to get together also.
we got back today - of course the goats managed to break out and chew the giant cabbage beauties and even some of the pumpkins the bastards. They behaved so well, even affectionate before we left. Maybe they know we now have to put up with them longer. I haven't mentioned maybe - we are obliged to try to sell them. With Alan's allergy getting so bad, getting together enough hay without losing too much money is difficult, so this is a bit of a heartbreak decision.
By the way: ZOLTáN PASSED BOTH PART OF HIS ORAL EXAM!!! This might be enough to get his degree accepted without considering the results of the upcoming written parts.
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