
report; just finished lunch of curried goat that was eaten outside in the company of Alan and Martin and a few sleepy flies and wasps.More pleasant than I expected, as it was rather chilly earlier. Now we are digesting inside, listening to radio 4's Newsquiz. Last guests left yesterday, including a surprise hitchhiker from Canada, who appeared out of the blue at 9 one evening and stayed fro 3 days. Besides getting a lift that took him from Budapest to Kiskassa, he managed to get one from Villány, too.
Other news:Zoltán got 65% to one part of his oral exam!!! Let's hope the other part will be over 60, I'd be so proud. I do think, that he's got a break-through, he's been speaking with much less inhibition lately.
The weird and junglish salad beans had been harvested, very nice. It turned out that the ones that were not ripe made good green beans.
Chickens and geese were moved to their winter quarters, Martin helped tons with everything as well as working on his astro stuff. Hm, should make notes, it seems that tons of other things happened... oh, we had the election meeting for the unknown business man candidate for mayor from Pecs, who's only, but strong advantage is, that Tamás, our old mayor supports him. I don't quite understand why he has to be a mayor to do all that investment he wants to do here allegedly. Or all those charitable foundations for the village. It is a bit murky. But judging from the attendance of this meeting - practically the whole village turned out, while there were only about 25-30 for Timi - he will be elected. If I get in as a council rep, I'll make sure to check out what's going on... A lot of people came up to me sayiing they are voting for me, but I wouldn't be very sad if it turns out differently and I won't have this new responsibility.
Pictures are from our afternoon in Villány and in the Minaret in Pécs with Marz and Sharon.
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