better news!
My dad is back home, he's sitting up in his chair,
he even walks with a borrowed walking frame - he did no such things for about 4 weeks.
My sis told me to stay put - there are so many helpers around that
I couldn't be able to get to the old'ns. They are getting 24 hour care.
So I only go up on Sunday - I was offered a ticket for Madam Butterfly on the 25th in Budapest (thanks Eszter!), so I'll stay till thursday, 26th.
We have some hostel bookings coming in now, for March as well as April - roll on the spring. Though record cold is expected for a few more days. Alan's new maximum/minimum thermometer only registered -6C, but in the village called Szecseny somewhere in North-East Hungary, they had -15C, and they had -20C there before. Glad we don't live there...
Alan started to shift the manure mountain up the hill with Anna's little tractor, he won't ask help from Jozsi or Bela, as they don't seem to be fit enough, poor things. Maybe we should have got all those willing wwoofers who wanted to come earlier but was sent away... I suppose the heating would have been a problem.
2nd of March - a village meeting - I hope I won't forget - there will be further developments about the waste-drainage plans, among other topics.
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