freezed in...

It's only aound -2C, but we had freezing rain, all surfaces became
iced, so there was no mail, no bus, nothing! It was too risky to go to the shop - to go anywhere more than 2 steps... I was glad I collected some ash in a little mound, used that to sprinkle around the paths. Geese are not good at walking ice either, we noticed.
Well, I was well prepared for such times... should have rejoiced with all the food, bread - but of course we run short of milk, as we are not milking the goats, should have had a few extra long-life ones... but charitable Bela got some for us from the shop, anyways, so the tea is free to flow... Alan got all energetic yesterday, so we got the computer room re-organised, the the bed moved out, hope I can show picture, the camera played up a bit again. Other pictures are from Martin/Szonya if appear. Surfaces permitting I am off to Budapest tomorrow for the weekend. Allegedly there was abust today... but weather is supposed to turn milder, it was raining in Budapest. Hm, computer corner didn't work, xmas goose carving and contented goats did...
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