milder week with tree search

that is, Alan is into heavy family-tree search finding all sort of
dodgy folk... He's been whipped to the pub by Pali, that is the reason I could get to the computer at last...
Yes, we have even seen the sun a few times, when temperatures gone over 10C, roll on the spring... Alan already has some lettuce sprouting - in the little inside tray-things, this year kept in the living room.
I helped to clip the wings of the geese - they were ready to take off. I got the pictures at last.
Bonzo is off his chain at last, Alan put a ballast (I think it is a hammer head) on his collar, he still can jump fences - but not the front lot - so he is based in the front of the house, sleeping between the doors. where a dog should, sometimes together with the cats. He is a happy dog.
We got lots of goodies from Anna, including "pork-cheese"; a type of jellied weird shaped salami thingie. But also stuffed cabbage leaves, rolled pork with sausage meat... should amaze the wwoofers when they show up eventually, we have quite a lot of interest, but no confirmed dates yet. We wont ask anybody to come until the end of March Alan thinks.
Cleared out and cleaned the larder and the freezer room - well Alan did it, because we discovered mouse damage. Lovely to have it all neat - and mouseless... all-in-all about four packets of flour/breadcrumbs/etc have been damaged, it was noticed in time,
little buggers. I let the cats in and opened the door all day
when it happened, cats had a comfy nap on the chair, without any inclination to hunt, but maybe they frightened them... that is the theory...
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