no, we couldn't find a repeat of the last season-closing episode of the Good Wife, and Hyppo passed the
MOT if not with flying colours - a few things still need fixing.
We had amazing amount of apricots, I actually sold 20kg and given away about 40kg, made
38 big jars of jam, 4 trays are drying in the solar fruit drier, made cake with them (see photo), frozen some and 10 kilo or more still eying me in a reproachful way in the kitchen. I forgot to mention the immense amount I managed to consume, making things a bit more rapid in my digestive cycle. Meanwhile tons of other stuff needs to be processed so it will be nice to have
wwoofers again in a couple of days. At the moment we have 11 miffed Polish hostelguests, we - with the help of Erzsi, Tibi and Zsuzsi made the place really clean and tidy, but they decided that they will all stay in the hostelhouse, spurning the private room and the Old Stables, as even with the extra mattress and the double bed in the living room there are only 10 places - if 3 with the kid sleeps in the double bed... however, They said it's ok, so it is. Means that the other rooms won't need new bedding and new cleanup... The weather is a very pleasant 29Cmax, with cool nights, bit August-ish. On the way back from the MOT we had the daily set menu in the
Két Szekér in Kozármisleny, and it was good. That is a lettuce next to Alan on the photo.
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