The heat suddenly had hit us with upto 35C, so keeping everything watered and cool, including our good selves became the continuous task. I just had my last early morning
cherry picking today - Nora's and our new trees did tremendously this year; for the last few days I eat nothing but cherries after lunch, it seems to be a pleasant and resultful diet.
Fantastic wwoofer continued cherry processing while we were in Budapest, we have loads of jams and frozen ones. And black (sour) cherries are still to come - ready in a few days if this heat persists.
Budapest was fun as ever, even with the weirdness of the frighteningly enormous Danube.

Jenny and Kostis Really enjoyed the sighs I think, we made a good company with Lois, had nice meals, walks. Managed to have my eye examination and the date for my cataract op is 11th August. It is all quiet now - wwoofer Sage left on Sunday, Jenny and Kostis on Monday and Lois yesterday. Next wwoofer is due in the next few days but was not in touch - maybe he'll still turn up, he is a meditating type, so might have been turned off from this noisy outside world... On the Pécs Sunday market we found a young robust looking runner duck pair, so now we have these two adults, 2 adolescents (one died just like that) and 4 little ones. The goslings are also somewhat diminishing in numbers and not growing much - maybe they need more green, who knows. We have 4 left'
The chickens are all fine - the 19-group are like piranhas, frightening amount of food disappears very speedily. All else is fine, lots of cheese is getting made, we have now considerable amount of hay, too. I include my photos here for starters, including Lois when it was not yet hot, Alan and Kostas in farmer mode. In a couple of days I put up some of Lois's she's makes good ones.

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