
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

come to the 4th Kiskassa Festival of Light!!!

yes, it's kicking off on Friday afternoon! It goes on till Sunday evening!
details (in Hungarian, but you can get the gist of it...)

there will be lots of local performers, exhibition of old traditional tools and artefacts, hot air baloon, the usual kiosks with weird stuff on sale, the communal kemence will be used to bake local variations of lángos, lepény and rétes, there will be pony rides, arrow shooting, veteran bikers, a big dance on Friday night with the biggest local band called Harold (!!) and much much more.

meanwhile there was more volunteering - mostly by Alan, this time shifting rocks... our random wwoofers (ok, so they are sort of ship-wrecked, so it was such an unusual story, we had to let them come... and they've helped tons, even if they don't have experience with this type of work.)

Tons of the vegetables/fruit need our attention - it is the busiest time of the year picking and processing stuff. Beside the potato mole-cricket calamity, everything is doing well except the cucumbers, they are represented with one lacklustre plant, but even that is producing enough for our salads. The aubergines, paprikas, tomatoes are fab, not to mention the sweet corn...
so no pictures, as thay would involve food and food production, and Alan's dad gets bored by that... I made ketchup! Alan made yellow plum chutney. And he is plonking away on his guitar in every free moment he has, he is a master of the slide.

meanwhile our council members (including yours truly) were severely dissed by an un-named person in the village newsletter, which is supposed to be the voice of - council members. If you want to see true press freedom, read our newsletter! (and avoid most of the Hungarian media...) Well, my answer will be in the next issue, with my name on...
Lois where art thou hope all went well in Brisbane.
Happy Birthday Sharon!!!!!


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