Yes, the goats become supernannies, one of the 3 produces more milk, than two did together last year - so we have cca 6 liter of the best goats' milk every day, without trying hard,
milking just once a day, and kids only separated for the night.
Of course, we were not ready for this, so the first batch of cottage cheese and more proper cheese were/are made haphazardly, we still to acquire the proper cheesemaking
tools... nevertheless, the turó was liked bz all who are into that, and the kőrözött
is really really good, especially as Józsi brought us some snidling (chives?) to
go with it. The first cheese has that in as well, is now maturing... if eaten now, should taste like and look like feta... I suppose we can do the mature thing with the next batch. At the moment even the chickens get fed milk-butties, and cats/dogs have the stuff coming out their ears. Present wwoofers are not into milk, lets hope pay guests might drink some. We are expecting a couple of those today, for three days! They are the first bookers from a newly registered web hostel setup. Wow! If they arrive... First time we let wwoofers and hostelguest to meet... if they arrive... Tomorrow I'm off to Budapest leaving poor Alan to cope with it all...
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