
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

first day - so far so good...

Alan only came back twice - jacket and change for bus...
But he's on the flight to Manchester as I type.

Milking was ok, Clary was not easy to control,
I started with Clover and Carolyn anyway, because Jozsi wasn't here yet,
but he just turned up on time for Clary, and he was doing the hanging onto the
back legs... I did alright all three, I don't feel any finger exhaustion...
maybe all the keyboard bashing over the years strengthened me...
So after breakfast and a bit of relaxing I turned the hay and chopped down the
sorrel and dug over that last patch next to the peas...
Then I did the guardian weekly crossword - (victorious giggle, it came a day early as we had a saturday that wasn't, it was a normal weekday to make up for a 4 days long may day weekend next week, this is a quaint thing they do here) went over to Marika with a bit of milk/lettuce and cheese, had lunch, relaxed a bit more, went up with the talicska and got some of the top dry looking hay down - it looked like rain - and gave some sorrel to the goats. In between I've done a big load of washing, eaten an enormous portion of chocolate cake that was a leaving present from Craig and travelling companion who came from Sommerset on a very nice, big Honda bike,
and am in the middle of making some makos guba, as the present guest, Simon Gnu from
Melbourne, Australia is a bit under the weather with a bad throat. They are thinking about staying for an extra day. So that's it really. Woody Allen's Matchpoint is on the telly which I haven't seen yet, so all in all I had not much time to miss Alan, but I did it anyways. No picture, you've seen everything by now, for sure...


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