
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

hogsday or what...

Alan seems to have awaken from his winter doze
and so much stuff is getting done, that it is tiring just to list ...
Carried the very heavy iron base from the root-chopping machinary
that was left in the house top of our hillock
to produce the foundation for the wind mill.
I know, I know, picture is coming up next time...
The electric fence has been moved back making space for the garden
that will be down near the polytunnel, so we can water it from the
very full rain-water tank if necessary this year. Tons of soil has been moved to cover the area, seeds had been potted, smoking room window frame cleaned from paint etc - in the process it got broken - I didn't mean to mention it, Sara is heartbroken about it anyways, but as they say, you only don't make mistakes if you do nothing...
Lots of little windows got cracks in them anyways, we do need a window-person to fix these eventually.
Goats are having daily grazings as the weather is decent.
Been to the Pecs Market (see picture)curtesy of oft mentioned lovely wwoofers,
had nice wander, langos, mull wine, roast chestnut and bought a pair of gorgeous
soft, cuddly trousers that should be worn indise the house only I think.
And tons of dog/catfood, too, so that I can declare the trip useful as well
as recreational... Though we were in Pecs again yesterday with Alan,
lovely lunch, cakes - hm... and nothing that I could term useful...
never mind... Today I planned raspberry crumbles, but what I fished out from
the freezer turned out to be tomato puree I'd frozen yonks ago, so I improvised a rice pudding with Magdi's rum-cherry preserve instead, and it proved to be a good idea if I may say so...
As from the tomato - it'll be good for stuffed paprika on thursday -
tomorrow another day without cooking as we are off to a Balkan world music evening,
which is a good excuse to have another meal in Pecs. Oh, the decadence of it!


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