I have an invalid on my hand,
Alan's allergy resurfaced with vengence after being
kept - just - at bay with the tablets recommended by
the allergy clinic in January. My hypothesis is, that it
was –just- in control - and him foolishly going out in
abnormal heat - 35C+ - was too much. We couldn't get
the allergy doctor and they made appointment only to
3rd of july, so we try to force him on them tomorrow
morning - she said she wanted to see the
symptoms... his face is not swollen now, but red and
his skin is peeling, his arms are now one continuous
red made up from individual spots. It's not as maddeningly
itching per moment as it was the last few days.
He is of course morose, depressed and
impossible, he is the worst patient on earth; one minute
it’s the end of farming, the universe and everything, in the other he insists to go up the field in 30C.
But luckily we have Molly, who is, again, a
wonderful wwoofer, seems to be enthusiastic and good
about all jobs and seem to really enjoy weeding... and she's
fun, as Melody would say. She joined the
bellydancing class.
At least the tempareture is down - well, still 30C, but
it's not as humid, so it feels even pleasant after last
week's heat. We had tons of storms with rain, which is good
- I mean the rain.
We have loads of the white paprikas, but so far only
two tomatoes bothered to turn red (all in the
pollytunnel of course. See picture) Outside there is lettuce and
marrows and spring onions, and of course the sorrel,
but I have still so much of that in the freezer, that I
just couldn't be bothered...
well, off to feed animals - Alan better not risk the heat/light
he can play Spike... also on picture you can see Molly with
the firtree she made prettier after the goats eaten the needles
of – who’d thought they like that when there is lucious grass to eat... and the brand new fire-space for Friday’s bogracs gulyas.
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