
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

all is well...

Kiskassa, reasonably warm living room, good tennis on the telly from the open in Melbourne...
We try leisurely potter about getting our phone work again (done) bank things (hopefully done) cleaning up a very dusted up house (a job never done) try to entice the pussycats to like us again... Bonzo put on a lot of weight, a right little furball... Gus hasn't climbed the front gate since we are back, he's being a very good dog, I think he doesn't want us to leave again...

The RedCoach we took from Gainesville to Orlando was the fabbest luxurious one we've ever seen, just 3 big cushioned seats per line, with a leathered leg-rest! The flight from Orlando to London was much less fun, (thank you BA) with uncomfortable seats and a continuous 3 hours of turbulence. I watched Avatar through that time, I won't remember it with fondness, the never ending film, that had the same shooting, violence and heroism will solve all our troubles theme.

Arrived home with the mother of jet-lags, lingering still. Timi and Feri looked after thinks well,
no problems. We were lucky to have two days with beautiful +15C+ sunshine, helping us to re-settle into winter - that managed to re-assert itself since yesterday, with temperatures under +5C, fog, rain, and today, a bit of snow. First night was a bit cold - I put the bedding on the radiators, but still... But the house warmed through quicker than expected.
Back to the diet of borsófőzelék fokhagymás pulykamellel (green pea-pulp with garlic turkey pieces) - whatever is the pot-luck from the still very full freezer.

The Big News: Takeaway Pizza! We just have to try it tomorrow - you know, support your local enterprise... The Újpetre Napsugár is finally in business. Otherwise there seems to be no change in the village. There are doubts about the new mayor, the usual christmas dos for pensioners and kids were not upto standard, the village christmas tree looked pityful, the administrator was not employed by the alleged loads of companies who promised to register in the village to bring tons of money... well, I hold judgement till next week, the next council meeting.

the photos are a mixed bunch - I am still working my way through pictures made by two cameras - our old one and a lovely up-to-date-to-us, that used to belong to Sharon, who insisted we should have it as they now use a newer one... anyways, there's one with us and a sponge-merchant in Tarpon Springs, a lovely key where Melody took us; the apartment next door to Martin's and Sharon's, where Drew and Szonya stayed over christmas; a New Orleans house with its Christmas lights on Burgundy street where we stayed in the Hotel St Pierre; the best picture of a Manatee in the Wakula national park, on our visit with Donna and Marta, on the way back from New Orleans; and the new dinner-set we got for christmas from Pali and Erika... just to demonstrate how futile it is to tell you all about Florida or even all about Kiskassa even though this later is somewhat smaller...


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