a day in the life...
After some stormy weather the blue awning we enjoyed so flown away,
we have a rather large green one now which keep having to come down due to the gusty winds, is a bit of a nuisance, have to figure out one that handles more comfortably, they only sell tiny balcony-sets in the relevant supermarkets.
And now, my day - today: got p 6:30 fed cats/dogs, gone to shop,
put bedding to wash, put out breakfast stuff, prepared for Hungarian lesson, gave lesson, got lunch ready, cut the parsley row, got eggs and strawberry in,
got first washing out to dry put in the washer the second lot. Lunch: lentil spup followed by rice pudding, put second load out collected first, finished cleaning guest room, washed tons of dishes, vacuumed, bathroom really needed cleaning,
prepared for english lesson, gave said lesson, got evening meal stuff out;
meanwhile spanish couple hostelguests with lovely baby arrived, polish gentleman ditto, so the car port is full with 3 vehicles.
I did read abit before doing this blog - pictures next time.
Alan and wwoofers were weeding like mad all day, Elsie did all the re-putty-ing of the windows in the other house just in time before the influx of said guests... The storm brought the cold front and lots of rain - Alan is a tad worried about the hay he had no chance to cut and bring in - but we do have a couple of loads in already.
oof... still, isn't it fascinating that our little village in the back and beyond was found by belgian wwoofers, spanish couple and polish chap... the villagers are as puzzled as I am...
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