
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

april already

Well, Carolyn had a few worse days back on intensive, but she did bounce back again, so let’s hope from now on a steady improving… she did ask about the potbellied Vietnamese piglets, her sis thought she was not quite with it, but she was! They are doing fine, though still very timid. Goats are now on their usual piece, the front is well “mowed”, hardly any grass left to hide the eggs for the easter eggsearch.
We planted flowers! We have one called “Duranta”, picture included at it’s present stage, it’s supposed to grow tall with beautiful blue flowing blooms, hopefully…
Gustavo is leaving tomorrow, after tons of painting, planting etc, so that’s the other pic. Alan commented on an ecology article, I incluse that after this.(Eva)

Jonathan Porritt has a point when he cites population growth as a potential problem. Also no sensible person would argue with him about the need for comprehensive provision of family planning services throughout the world. However his idea that restricting immigration into the UK helps in some way to solve a population problem is bizarre. It’s as if he thinks we don’t all live on the same planet, and all use the same resources, however unfair the distribution may be. If he examines the facts he presents he should be able to draw the conclusion that the countries with stable or declining populations are those of the developed affluent west. Perhaps he should be examining ways of exporting this affluence world wide rather than keeping the poor at the gate. Not the affluence of big cars and wide screen TV’s but the affluence of good education, decent health care and perhaps most importantly; provision for old age. Security in old age would reduce one of the major incentives to have large families, that of providing a support mechanism for the parents in later life.
Doubtless some may say that we can never afford universal provision of basic needs, however we seem to be able to afford wars at the drop of a hat.


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